We have now reached 2024, having survived a global pandemic but wars in the Middle East and Ukraine and several other places threaten the world we live in.
Where are the dreams now?
What are Poppy and her friends so scared of? Amazon Kindle £1.99, Paperback £5.99 now available, March 2020.

Thank you Gina Rahman for the great cover illustration. Worksheets for Years 6,7 and 8 available. Click on Cyber Spooks heading on the left.
Cyber Spooks by Eliza Jane Goes
Cyber Spooks by Eliza Jane Goes ,
The Muse has come back and I'm finally inspired to choose a possible title to an anthology of short stories and poems which has been languishing on my desktop for far too long.
Look out for:
Burns Night in Lindleyhook
and other quick reads for short journeys and other spare moments
Here I am in May 2019, revisiting this long lost website, having moved from diverse Hendon to almost rural Hampshire. It has been a bit of a culture shock to say the least.

A reminder that some of the profits from the sale of 'Fusion' go to the Pestalozzi village. Click on the link.
international village
Fusion Video Trailer
Buy Fusion by Eliza Jane Goes (paperback or e book) through Amazon
Buy Fusion in USA/Canada

Buy 'The Cosmopolites'
Buy 'The Not Quite English Teacher' kindle version or print copy on Amazon

Greenacre Writers, Finchley - superb group
A fun writers' group in Watford - terrific!
For a great writers' week, come to Swanwick.
A response to 'The CosMOpolites':
Ursula Hausler 12 February at 20:07 Report
I am not a critic, but I have to tell you that i loved your book!!!!!!!!!! you are a fantastic writer, and i enjoyed every word!!!!!!! and i also learned a lot about different cultures, while i was reliving every experience the characters went through. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! much love, and success!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ursula. It's so good to get messages like this. Hope life is good in Macedonia.
December 10th: Thank you all you lovely people who braved the cold weather to come along to the Adam and Eve on Tuesday, listen to my splurge and even buy a book. It was good to see you all - especially those who travelled far.
We had a meal later downstairs, which was delicious - and will definitely be going back there! Have a wonderful festive season!! xx
The Trouble with Titles
Titles are tricky. While 'Fusion' for novel one caused confusion by raising connotations of hydrogen bombs, foreign food, mixed musical origins, bubble gum or men's shavers, 'The Cosmopolites' seems to be leading to just as much misinterpretation. It appears, even, to be hard to pronounce. 'Fusion' was cleverly rescued by a friendly little African melting pot, which itself has been loved and hated, indicating the cultural fusion it was supposed to represent. Thank you Raphael of Trafford.
'The Cosmopolites' does the job intended. The main characters have travelled widely and, although they give allegiance to their native countries, they declare that they are 'citizens of the world' and therefore owe greater allegiance to global concerns. The suggestion is that I find a more accessible title to catch the eye of the browsers. I ask myself if that is what I want to do. One suggestion was 'The Enthusiasts' - but that has no international association. The characters could be enthusiastic about anything - like boiled eggs or gardening. I've thought of 'The Cosmopolitans' - but they were pretentious, sophisticated creatures of the 1920s. 'The Global Villagers' weren't around in the 1970s, 'The Globetrotters' are much too rich and frivolous, 'The Wanderers' suggests aimlessness, Beyond the Borders (not quite right), 'The Internationalists' (oh yes) but perhaps too political and business orientated. I'm afraid it's back to 'The Cosmopolites' - citizens of no particular country - well-meaning towards all - but, for practical reasons, loyal to the country they live in and for emotional reasons, tied to the countries of their birth. What more can I say?
LATEST NEWS: July 2010
The sad news is that Gloria Hagberg has died. Our thoughts are with Paula and the family. (See link.)
Fusion - A Review
Buy Fusion
November 26th
Wow! It's a long time since I've read a book at one sitting. So here I am with cold feet, a full bladder and an empty stomach. So many resonances and memories jogged, from Leaving on a Jet Plane' to a wet tent on Mt Kenya to remembering exactly where I was when Kelly Holmes won the 1500m and I had tears in my eyes. My head is buzzing. Can I just say, Well Done and Congratulations and thank you so much for the book and the inscription.
A funny day, yesterday. After the arrival of the postie about lunchtime I was plunged into the richness of the kaleidoscope of Africa and all Ella's turbulent emotions and adventures. I emerged hours later, blinking, as if woken from a dream.
So much of your thoughts and philosophy and optimism was buzzing around in my head that sleep was improbable. I prowled the bookshelves and eventually lit upon George MacKay Brown. It took an hour of his gentle island cadences and spare prose to settle me down.
Certainly the book doesn't fit neatly into any genre- rather it comes into the category of 'all things counter, original, spare, strange', and I like that. In fact I like everything about it. I had been prepared for a few flaws in a first novel, and there may well be, but nothing jumped out at me to interrupt the narrative. Your descriptions of Africa are compelling and accord with my first impressions of Kenya on an all too brief visit
in 1989.
So why, after a really enjoyable read, do I still have a lump in my throat this morning? Nostalgia for lost youth perhaps a questioning as to what I have done in the cause of world harmony? Nothing negative perhaps, but is that enough? 'They also serve...'
I don't know.
I dislike bigots, zealots and extremists of all varieties but I have never really gone out of my way to confront them?
So, I suppose there is a wee bit of envy there in my admiration of your achievement, your courage and your unshakeable optimism. But, hey, if you're not optimistic what is the point of getting up in the morning?
You have made me think and that is the highest compliment I can give a book.
Now, off you go and finish the next one which I expect will take another day of my life.....
In defence of Trafford
October 2009
Although Trafford Oxford no longer exist and Trafford Vancouver have been taken over by Author Solutions, USA, they are still processing orders and providing support despite the changeover problems. Some of the vilification they have received in the media has been unfair. They provided a service asked for by certain authors, including myself. The product I received was of good quality and I always knew that the editing, proof-reading and marketing were up to me. Also, it was clear from the start that I would retain my copyright.
It did not take me too long to cover my costs - but the marketing is hard work.
You can visit Trafford, USA, via the Buy Fusion link or ring Toll free 001 888 232 4444
In Scotland, you can find Fusion at Waterstones Bookstore, St Giles Shopping Centre, Elgin.
July 16th 2009 (The morning after.) Well done Year 7 now 8. You were brilliant. Your lively and enthusiastic performance of Fusion the play created a happy memory for everyone there. The money raised is going to a rescue centre for orphans in Nairobi who really really need it! Thank you for your hard work. I won't ever forget you.
May 2009 A wonderful group of Year 7 pupils (and some of their teachers) at Hendon School have been helping me to put together a performance adapted from the novel 'Fusion'. They are very special.
March 2009:
Follow the links:
Read about our Kenyan trip in 'Kenya Revisited' - an article written for the Rotary Club of Golders Green magazine.
Thank you for the warm welcome Rotary Club of Nairobi.
See new pictures of Gloria Hagberg and her daughter Paula.
Hi there wide world!
Welcome to my website which is the result of yet another scary leap into the unknown territory of the internet. Another Luddite (that's me, Alexia) bites the dust and another technowally graduates from, 'How do you switch this flaming thing on?' to 'Isn't technology wonderful?' After "Fusion" "The Cosmopolites" and "The Not Quite English Teacher" are in the pipeline. Watch this space.
By the way, if any of you acquaintances, friends, family, colleagues or ex students think you recognise yourselves, it isn't you!
Some of the profits from the sale of 'Fusion will go to the Pestalozzi Scholarship Fund .
international village for students from developing countries
I am pleased to say that the Pestalozzi organisation are delighted to be associated with 'Fusion'.I cannot think of a more appropriate and worthwhile cause to support. Find out more about them from their website or click on the link above.
They have sent us the following brief statement:
'Pestalozzi scholarships change lives. We are unique in selecting students from the developing world who are:
* from an extremely disadvantaged background
* academically exceptional and showing the
potential to succeed
* already giving community service
* fully committed to devoting their education and
expertise to those who need it most.
The gift of an education means that more young people can finally begin to break the cycles of poverty that have held their countries back for so long.'
Find out what happens to feisty, funny, red-haired Ella when she tackles the wee bullies and big bullies in remote 1950s and 60s Scotland and when she flies off to Africa, all alone, leaving her family behind. Can she find the answers to these big questions she's always asked herself - like 'Why am I the only one in the family with flaming red hair?' or 'Is it a good idea for people to migrate all over the world and squash each others' cultures?' Will she make a new life in Africa or somewhere else or will she go home to the safety and comfort of her old community in Scotland? What dangers will she come across and will she find romance?
Find out how she always seems to come across different kinds of bullies - and how she hates them.
Can she sort out the bullies? Can anyone do that?
See the SYNOPSIS under 'Learn more about the book.'